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Friday, 6 July 2012

How to live one's life ?

I read this somewhere. I like it & will summarise & give you the gist of it here.
It about the rules of living one’s life :

Rule #1 : is to do it NOW, not in some future date or time. Don’t you think most of us are just waiting… waiting for the next big break, waiting for promotion, waiting for lottery strike. Even with lottery, you are not going to strike if you don’t buy that ticket right? So stop doing nothing & sleeping & go out there & do something- don’t wait! Of course plan for your future, the trick is not to live there, because nothing happens there. The happening is in real time- as in , NOW!

Rule #2:
Don’t be afraid to fail, the fear of humiliation & embarrassment & ridicule is our biggest obstacle to success. As if people will remember, people are so preoccupied with their own lives , their own mess, they are not going to think about you for long! So go ahead you’ve nothing to lose, you can afford to fail until you find the thing that works. That’s how all successful people do.

Rules #3:
Opportunities are around just don’t discount anything. E.g. never assume just because it’s someone’s job, they know how to do it. You might have a better idea, a better way of doing something. Let the world know! In that way don’t be intimidated by the so-call experts. Some people are just good at getting good grades &qualifications, you could be more creativity. Think about that. Through your life, how many times when you saw or heard something, you go like “ what the hell is this ….what’s his name “professional big-shot”….. thinking???”

Rule #4:
Think of the messy world as a big piece of white cloth with patches of dirt in it. You have a choice, you can focus on the dirt or you can start washing that damn cloth. Eventually the dirt will go away, maybe not all but if you use strong enough detergent…. As you live your life, you can pick on all the things that go wrong, or you just go on trying, until things get better. Then judge yourself not by your accomplishments but by your effort.  

Pls check out my other blogs:


  1. First i want to check my skin tone with doctor

  2. Can I know how much per injection

    1. It's $250- per jab , if you don't take the package ($1000- for 6 jabs)

    2. Huh? you mean the package is $1000-for 6 jabs?
