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Thursday 5 November 2015

I wish everything is as easy as getting Fat !!!!

I was on vacation. Had a GREAT time, ate till I drop. I over did it. Pictures don't lie!  I look quite different from day one , by the time I came home on day 8 I'm like ....woh.... who is this 'chubby cheeks'?

When my colleagues saw me, they were like : Wow, you put on weight!!!!

Why are people so blunt ? Joyce (colleague) slipped me some panbesy after the flight. According to her, 4 days of panbesy should do the trick! Wonder if she has panbesy in her bag all the time. She quickly left, before I could ask her.

Bump into Juno & he go " wow didn't see you in a while & you grew bigger" . I forgave him, he's my buddy. I often say the same things to him anyways. Now he has a chance to mimic me ... We went for lunch after & ordered salad. Both of us need to shed some weight. I gave him half the supply of panbesy Joyce gave me He thank me by paying for lunch!

Now I'm down to 2 panbesy. Have to ask Joyce for more ... texted her.
Will have to swing by her place tomorrow to get my supply of panbesy!

panbesy my life saver !