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Tuesday, 3 July 2018

What you really want to do with your life ?

We were hanging out in the galley during one of those long flights & as usual talking about just about anything. The chief suddenly announced he had enough, he's going to quit! Well he has been saying that for as long as I've known him.... years

The youngest colleague looked almost shock! She had just started her career, full of hope & promises & now the chief is quitting? I assure her, he's not going to. He's too used to the life style. No more jet setting to Europe, he'll die! He wholeheartedly agree

Chief said if he could turn back the clock, he will do a little more backpacking to experience the world. Now he's too used to the 5 star hotels Another senior crew said if she's still in her 20s, she'll stop caring what others think or said. Life's too short to have to worry about these nonsense.

What about me? If I was given a chance to start all over again I'll probably study harder have better grades & work in a bank, perhaps? Then when I'm working in the bank, I'll most probably be thinking, wish I was flying instead

Then junior crew said 'That's the problem with us right? Why can't we just be contented with what we are doing now?'
We all looked at her ... wow ... can you imagine , so young & so wise already !!!
Really has got potential!

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