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Friday, 15 December 2017

Christmas gifts

My sister just texted me & said she's getting me this for Christmas.
I thank her, it's very cute. Then my brother started commenting this is an old design- (that's the problem with group chats!) Sis got really mad & the SMS fuel started. This was 4 days ago & I was in Europe. It's still raging , now that I'm back.

That's the problem with family. We have so much history, when something goes wrong, there's so much dirt one can dig out, & it takes days & there's still more. Finally I told my brother off. What's with guys these days? Why can't they just apologize & shut up. Now my sis said she's waiting to see what he gets for all of us since he's so vocal about her choice of gifts.

As always the smart ass he is, he just announced he's bringing us for a Christmas dinner, but didn't elaborate where. Sis said if it's some cheapo joint, she's not going. It has to be at least in a Michelin starred restaurant. Well I'm all for that !